One Weekend in Tasmania- Tall Ships

Elegant ships in the far South, lined up tall at the city’s edge. These waters have been chartered before in another time but each different sail encounters something new. These dark Derwent days rouse up the wild creatures of the South land, including Hannah who we know, does the hula.


one weekend in Tasmania

‘Hannah does the hula’ for us islanders and those arriving on our Tasmanian shores. Groove with her off the beaten track; she’s got some fresh moves, grass skirt aside.


little gumboots, cake and spring twigs


This morning a twig was clipped for the long table and friends arrived for a ‘morning to afternoon tea’.  Its been done before, it will be done again.  Some things change.  It will be the final time for these little gumboots treading all about the green lawn, filling the bird bath with flowers and swinging from ropes off the cherry blossom at Fists Lane.  Some things never change.  Well baked chunks of chocolate cake, coffee grinds and loud noises.  Wild children with energy to burn and imaginations born of fresh environments and familiar faces.  Interrupted chatting will remain between mothers that have bound close along the while, with little ones grown in the same time and shared sleep patterns.  In celebration of many fine Fists Lane moments in company of friends.  These are bolder memories of early motherhood, having been shared.
